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The Fiery Ordeal Among You (1 Peter 4:12)
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AuthorOk, Janette H.
GenrePublic Lecture
RecordedMarch 28, 2023
SubjectNew Testament
NotesThis Sang Hyun Lee Lecture on Asian American Theology and Ministry was presented by Rev. Dr. Janette Ok. She discussed "The Fiery Ordeal Among You (1 Pet 4:12)" and how anti-Asian hate speech and incidents can provide understanding into the suffering in 1 Peter. This lecture also examines how 1 Peter addresses the mental health effects of COVID-19 related racism on the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.Recorded in the Daniel J. Theron Room, Princeton Theological Seminary Library
CollectionPrinceton Theological Seminary Media Archive
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
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