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From Data Protection to Data Sovereignty : A Multidimensional Governance Approach for Shaping Informational Freedom in the 'Onlife'-era
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AuthorDabrock, Peter
GenrePublic Lecture
RecordedNovember 15, 2019
Notes"In the digital age, all aspects and subsystems of life are undergoing transformations, sometimes radically and other times subtly. What, if anything, can theology as a discipline contribute to the analysis, conceptualization and assessment of the emergent logics of 'the digital'?"Colloquium held November 15-16, 2019 on the Princeton Theological Seminary and Center for Theological Inquiry campusesLecture 1 of 3Recorded in the Cooper Conference Room, Erdman Center
CollectionPrinceton Theological Seminary Media Archive
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
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