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The Drama of Justification : Markus Barth's Rechtfertigung
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AuthorWagner, J. Ross
GenrePublic Lecture
RecordedSeptember 27, 2018
NotesThis symposium explores the following themes in relation to Markus Barth's legacy: Markus' contributions to NT studies, the Christian rites of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and the doctrine of reconciliation (living the "one-ness" of the People of God in Judaism and Christianity).2018 Markus Barth Symposium held September 27-29 on the Princeton Theological SeminaryLecture 2 of 8Recorded in the Daniel J. Theron Room, Princeton Theological Seminary LibraryAudio recording missing the beginning of the lecture
CollectionPrinceton Theological Seminary Media Archive
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
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