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St. Matthew's Cathedral, interior & exterior
Description2 pages
City, StateWashington, DC
DenominationCatholic Church
SubjectFine Arts
NotesThe Cathedral in the Nation's Capital is dedicated to St. Matthew, the Patron Saint of the city's many government workers. This historic church is host to the dignitaries of the government each year in January for the Red Mass. To the right of the Main Altar is the chapel of St. Joseph, with its sculptured wood statues, overlaid with gold leaf. These were executed in the Italian Tyrol and represent the Marriage of Our Lady and St. Joseph. Sunday Masses - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30, 12:30 Weekday Masses - 6:40, 7:20, 8, 12:05, 5:30 Tours: Sunday 2:30 to 4:30; for special group tours, call 347-3215
CollectionJames R. Tanis Collection of Church Postcards
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
RightsCopyright Not EvaluatedCopyright Not EvaluatedDigitized collections are made accessible for purposes of education and research. More...
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