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Old St. Paul's Church by Moonlight
Description2 pages
City, StateNorfolk, VA
DenominationEpiscopal Church
SubjectFine Arts
NotesSt. Paul's Church (Episcopal) which ranks historically as Norfolk's most interesting exhibit. This edifice, ivory covered, surrounded by an ancient church-yard embracing nearly two acres, twice fired on by the British, and still retaining, embedded in its walls, a shell fired by Dunmore, the English Colonial Governor, New Year's day, 1776. One of the treasures of St. Paul's is the chair in which John Hancock sat when he attached his signature to the Declaration of Independence.
CollectionJames R. Tanis Collection of Church Postcards
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
RightsCopyright Not EvaluatedCopyright Not EvaluatedDigitized collections are made accessible for purposes of education and research. More...
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