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Saint Sophia Cathedral
Description2 pages
City, StateLos Angeles, CA
DenominationOrthodox Eastern churches
SubjectFine Arts
NotesSaint Sophia Cathedral, Los Angeles, seen from the Northwest. This magnificent Byzantine structure was completed in 1952 at a cost of two million dollars, though its true value is estimated to be at least twice that amount. It is situated on 4 1/2 beautiful landscaped acres in the center of the city where scores of tourists visit every day. The towering Eucalyptus is the only tree originally standing; the rest, some forty of them, were brought in fully grown. Saint Sophia is the center of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Western States.
CollectionJames R. Tanis Collection of Church Postcards
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
RightsCopyright Not EvaluatedCopyright Not EvaluatedDigitized collections are made accessible for purposes of education and research. More...
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