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Interior of the Church, Our Lady, Queen of the Angels
Description2 pages
City, StateLos Angeles, CA
DenominationCatholic Church
SubjectFine Arts
NotesOld Mission Plaza Church, Los Angeles - The first church built in Los Angeles; the foundation was laid in 1814 when this beautiful city was but a little Pueblo of less than 1000 inhabitants. It was formerly known as the church of Nuestra Senora Reina de Los Angeles (Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.) -- Now in charge of the Missionary Sons of the Sacred Heart of Mary. Regular religious services are held there as of old.
CollectionJames R. Tanis Collection of Church Postcards
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
RightsCopyright Not EvaluatedCopyright Not EvaluatedDigitized collections are made accessible for purposes of education and research. More...
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