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Adventures in the Seminary Library Land
AuthorFroehlich, Karlfried
Description12 pages
GenrePublic Lecture
TopicsTheological seminary libraries — History
NotesLecture Presented in Honor of the Theological Library Month at the Theron Room of the Princeton Theological Seminary Library on October 15, 2013The author describes significant treasures with which he worked and surprising discoveries he made during twenty years of being a faithful and enthusiastic user of one of the world's best theological libraries, Princeton Seminary's Wright Library, sharing his experiences with a lighthearted touch.See also the accompanying video
AbstractThis presentation highlights some treasures of Princeton Seminary’s Wright Library: Manuscripts of a 12th century Greek Gospel Lectionary and of a lovely 16th century Schwenckfelder sermon collection, an early 1540 print of the Zurich Bible and a reprint of the 1534 Luther Bible owned by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a copy of the first printed edition of the biblical Glossa Ordinaria 1480/81 in four volumes, and a 1542 volume of Heinrich Bullinger’s Gospel commentaries. It closes by discussing the strange fate of a 1528 Erasmus edition of Augustine’s writings with a large trove of contemporary handwritten marginalia which was offered to the Seminary for a price of 1 Million Dollars.
ContributorPrinceton Theological Seminary
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