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One Yellow Sermon
AuthorLiu, Gerald C., 1978–
FormatConference Paper
Description9 pages
GenrePublic Lecture
NotesCopyright © 2016 Gerald C. Liu. Presented here with permission of Gerald C. Liu and the Academy of Homiletics.
AbstractIn “One Yellow Sermon,” Gerald C. Liu explores what constitutes Asian American preaching by examining a sermon he recently preached at his maternal grandmother’s funeral with respect to an earlier article written by Liu – “An interreligious Funeral for a Taiwanese Centenarian and the Mystery of Useless Suffering” (Homiletic 40.2, 2015) – and the “spiral-form” preaching method introduced by Eunjoo Mary Kim in Preaching the Presence of God: A Homiletic from an Asian American Perspective (Judson, 1999). By way of autobiographical homiletic reflection, Liu aims to raise questions about what actually distinguishes Asian American preaching from other sermon forms, and the historical and cultural bases for other idiomatic ways of preaching based upon human identity.
CollectionAcademy of Homiletics
ContributorAcademy of Homiletics
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