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The Practice of Homiletical Theology in a Confessional Mode: A Personal Progress Report on the Homiletical Theology Project
AuthorJacobsen, David Schnasa
FormatConference Paper
Description10 pages
GenrePublic Lecture
NotesCopyright © 2017 David Schnasa Jacobsen. Presented here with permission of David Schnasa Jacobsen and the Academy of Homiletics.
AbstractPreachers rightly fret about getting from text to sermon, but Jesus’ commission to us is to go preach the gospel. While homiletical theology generally is focused on seeing preaching as a theological task focused on the gospel, confessional homiletical theology, as a particular type, considers preaching to be a theological enterprise centered on the gospel and brought into critical dialogue with texts, contexts, and situations. Consistent with Andre Resner, who argues preachers start this dialogue from a “working gospel,” this paper explores how this confessional, working gospel as theological habitus then dialogues critically with texts, contexts and situations reflectively and critically so the gospel might be heard for the life of the church and for the sake of the world that God so loves.
CollectionAcademy of Homiletics
ContributorAcademy of Homiletics
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