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The Princeton Seminary Bulletin

The Princeton Seminary Bulletin is a publication of Princeton Theological Seminary. Begun in 1907 as a quarterly, the Bulletin moved to a publishing cycle of three times a year in 1977 and in 2008 to annual publication. The Bulletin’s first issue, which came at Commencement season in May 1907 and was prepared by a student committee under faculty supervision, stated its purpose as that of providing “as complete an account as possible of the events of the Seminary year just closed” and its November 1908 issue focused on the purpose of keeping alumni informed, “to extend to the Alumni a cordial greeting and to suggest to them items of interest in the active life of the Seminary.”

After fifty-four years of publishing information about faculty, alumni, and campus events, the Bulletin announced in September, 1961 that this information would henceforth appear in the new publication Alumni News, with the Bulletin continuing to publish addresses, lectures, and scholarly papers, along with the list of faculty publications and the book review section which had been a feature since 1941. The Bulletin began a New Series in 1977 and added a supplementary issue in 1990. With volume 28, number 3 (2007) the book review section was discontinued.

In 2008, the Bulletin transitioned to an annual publication in electronic format, with the option to purchase a print copy. After the 2010 issue, publication was suspended. Publication of the Bulletin resumed in 2015, continuing the annual frequency and digital issuance, but delivered through a new web site. Publication was suspended after the 2017 issue.

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