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The pathway of life : a book for the home, a blessed guest at the fireside. Destined to lead the young and the old into paths of happiness and to prepare them for a holy companionship with him whose kingdom is as boundless as his love. A series of matchless essays abounding with beautiful precepts ... including sketches, incidents and thrilling episodes in the lives of mighty men, celebrated women and the heroes of martydom, with descriptions of the most famous battles in the world's history. A collection of grand and splendid thoughts ... leading to higher and nobler lives
AuthorTalmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832–1902
Description574 pages
PublisherRichmond, Va.: B. F. Johnson
TopicChristian life
ContributorNew York Public Library
RightsNo Copyright - United StatesNo Copyright - United States
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