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“New” Approaches for “Old” Testament Preaching
AuthorStark, David M.
FormatConference Paper
Description10 pages
GenrePublic Lecture
NotesCopyright © 2017 David M. Stark. Presented here with permission of David M. Stark and the Academy of Homiletics.
AbstractDespite numerous developments within homiletics over the last several decades, those who preach the Old Testament frequently find themselves caught in a 19th century historical— christological binary. This article analyzes five “new” approaches to preaching the Old Testament that help free the preacher from such a binary: Christological-Allusion, Inverted Typology, Scriptural Mash-up, Intertextual-Dialogue, and Transcontextual Spiral. While each approach offers a distinct option for Old Testament preaching, they share a common interest in critiquing a hermeneutic of power, in re-envisioning christology, and in portraying the “Old” Testament as a word that speaks today.
CollectionAcademy of Homiletics
ContributorAcademy of Homiletics
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