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The Preacher as Teacher and Critical Pedagogy: Homiletical Identity for Talking Taboos
AuthorVoelz, Richard William, 1978–
FormatConference Paper
Description11 pages
GenrePublic Lecture
NotesCopyright © 2016 Richard W. Voelz. Presented here with permission of Richard W. Voelz and the Academy of Homiletics.
AbstractIn recent years, the homiletics guild has encouraged preachers to consider the importance of images of the preacher for understanding the multiple purposes and theologies of preaching. These considerations are no less important for how preachers carry taboos into the pulpit. Images of homiletic identity will necessarily shape the ways preachers approach taboo subjects. Rather than adding another image to the catalog, this paper reconsiders the image of preacher as teacher, interpreted through the lens of the field commonly called “critical pedagogy.” The preacher-teacher thus acts an appropriate image by which the preacher can address taboos and delineates the different tasks of preaching taboos essential to such an identity.
CollectionAcademy of Homiletics
ContributorAcademy of Homiletics
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